We are almost at the end of 2021 so it is time to look at what the new year will hold for us when it comes to web design and development. In normal times, web design tends to evolve at a gradual pace. But if 2021 taught us anything is that we are not living in normal times. Or is this just the new normal? The global pandemic has brought cultural and societal shifts that have reverberated everywhere. And that includes the world of web design and digital marketing.
Technology changes and evolves fast, and so do web design trends. Design elements and website features that were once modern and innovative may have become tired, overdone, and cliched in recent years. When people land on your website, you want them to convert. This is why it is important to stay up to date with trends and digital technologies.
Let’s take a closer look at web design trends & predictions for 2022
There will always be some aspects of basic web design features that will always stay the same. These include user-friendly navigation, security, and fast load times. However, you can keep your site at the forefront of design and search engines by adding the following innovative web design features to your website in 2022.
For most people, this past year and a half meant their world got smaller, simpler, and quieter while the web remains a wild, busy, stressful place. For this reason, people are more attracted to simple functional websites.
In 2022, we will see a move back to a clean design with generous white space. This will allow our eyes and the content to breathe. This is an approach that understands the fact that people don’t want to be overwhelmed with too much information or busy graphics when serving the web or searching for specific information.
This trend ties in neatly with the new Google algorithm update requirements, whereby making your website load faster benefits your search engine rankings. After all, the simpler your design, the less content there is to load, so it’s a win-win situation.
Fast Loading Websites
One of the most important aspects of web design this year is ultra-fast load time. Quick loading times have been essential factors in UX and SEO for years but it has become more important than ever. It continues to be a top priority for websites that want to rank well and convert better. If it takes more than three seconds to load your site, your visitors most likely will leave.
Thumb-Friendly Mobile Navigation
Responsive design alone isn’t only an option anymore, it is a must. Your website should work well and be easy to use on mobile devices as well as on tablets. In 2022, web design will be focused on creating websites that are thumb-friendly. The question is, what does this mean?
What it means is, considering the way we use our phones, our thumbs to do all the work. That’s how most of us use our smartphones, and that’s why thumb-friendly navigation is essential. Putting the navigation bar, menu, and even contact buttons in the space your thumb can reach makes your site more comfortable to use.
Interactive Design
When it comes to design, it is important to keep your customers’ or website visitors’ experience in mind. Many websites today are taking the concept of interactivity and making it do more than just moving up and down the page.
Instead, specific design features are customizable by the user. For example, by scrolling and clicking, they can move entire design features around the page, choose background colors and decide when things transform. These are the trends we’re seeing more of right now, and we expect this to continue in 2022.
Bold Color
Colorful minimalism goes together with one of 2022’s most prominent web design trends: color! Bold, bright, saturated colors help your brand stand out from the soft neutrals that many companies have chosen over the past few years.