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  6. applyFilters( “ignore_close_area” )

applyFilters( “ignore_close_area” )

applyFilters( "ignore_close_area", ignore, area, reason );
applyFilters( "ignore_close_area_{key}", ignore, area, reason );

Allows to ignore the close_area request and force an area to stay open.

The dynamic part of the filter name is the sanitized Area key. See DiviAreaItem.theKey() for details.


ignore bool, required
Whether to ignore the close_area command and keep the area visible. Default: false.
area object, required
The Divi Area which will be hidden.
reason string, required
Identifies the action that triggered the close_area call.


Return true to keep the Area open, or false to proceed with closing the Area.


// Remember the timestamp when the Area was made visible.
DiviArea.addAction( 'show_area', function( area ) {
    area.setData( 'opened_at', new Date().getTime() );

// Forces every Area to stay visible for at least 10 seconds.
DiviArea.addFilter( 'ignore_close_area', function( ignore, area, closeType ) {
    var openSince = (new Date().getTime() - area.getData( 'opened_at' )) / 1000;

    if ( openSince >= 10 ) {
        return false; // process the close-request.
    } else {
        console.log('Try again in', parseInt(10 - openSince), 'seconds');
        return true; // ignore the close-request.


This filter is applied after any close_area action was fired.

However, DiviArea.hide() will always hide the Area without calling the ignore_close_area filter!

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