✔︎ Divi Areas works well with Gravity Forms when using the “ajax” flag!
Gravity Forms is a great plugin to create smart forms. You can use those forms inside Popups, either by inserting the Shortcode into the Popup or by using a plugin such as the “Gravity Divi” Module or the “DF Gravity Forms” plugin, with one requirement:
You need to use Ajax to submit the form. Non-Ajax forms can have trouble with initialization and might not in some cases.
In Divi Areas Pro, non-ajax forms usually work, but in the free plugin, they will most likely not submit anything. Our recommendation: Enable Ajax for all Gravity Forms
Normal Shortcode
Add the flag ajax="true"
to the shortcode.
- Before:
[gravityform id="1"]
- After:
[gravityform id="1" ajax="true"]
→ recommended!
Custom Divi Module
When using something like “Gravity Divi”, make sure to enable the “Ajax” flag in that module. Here are two screenshots of that option, showing both plugins that we confirmed to be compatible with Divi Areas Pro and Popups for Divi:
Sample: Gravity Divi
Sample: DF Gravity Forms