doAction( “position_boundary” )

doAction( "position_boundary", boundary, area );
doAction( "position_boundary_{key}", boundary, area );

Allows modification of the Area position boundaries.

The dynamic part of the filter name is the sanitized Area key. See DiviAreaItem.theKey() for details.

The properties of the boundary can be adjusted by the action handler; the default values are:

boundary = {
  minX: 0,
  minY: 0,
  maxX: window.innerWidth,
  maxY: window.innerHeight

When the admin-toolbar is visible, the minY value is changed to 32px before firing this action.


boundary object, required
The minimum and maximum allowed coordinates of the Area. The object contains the four properties minX maxX minY and maxY that can contain integer values.
area DiviAreaItem, required
The Area instance.


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